The social sciences as a tool for innovation
As innovation is primarily about solving problems in people’s lives, the emergence of new needs and problems is our raw material.
We use social sciences as a pragmatic tool to identify the right problems to solve and thus find new levers to invent new models, products or services and design better experiences.
our latest study
How do people experience their retirement?
Judging by the impressive number of publications on this topic, the “silver economy” is about to become an evergreen as unavoidable as a “pension system reform” by the government. But these economical and political prisms obscure the main facets of the pension topic. Because, it should be reminded, retirement remains a pensioner problem, first and foremost. How do individuals experience their transition from work to retirement? Why do some people fear it, while other people are impatiently waiting for it? What do they actually do with their retirement? Why do some people continue to work while other choose leisure? We tried to address those interrogations in our report.
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